Friday, July 6, 2007

New Paper

The new ecological paradigm revisited: anchoring the NEP scale in environmental ethics

by Carina Lundmark
in Environmental Education Research, Volume 13, Issue 3 July 2007 , pages 329 - 347


The New Environmental or Ecological Paradigm (NEP) is widely acknowledged as a reliable multiple-item scale to capture environmental attitudes or beliefs. It has been used in statistical analyses for almost 30 years, primarily by psychologists, but also by political scientists, sociologists and geographers. The scale's theoretical foundation is, however, seldom discussed and not comprehensively specified. This article explores the environmental ethics that underlies the scale, analysing which ethical positions on human - nature relations the scale seem to match. The study shows that pronounced forms of anthropocentrism are well captured by the scale, while the environmental position is 'shallow' rather than 'deep green' and misses crucial elements of the contemporary environmental ethics debate.